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Some FAQs
1. What is the basic package rate?
Rs 18,000/- for 10 pictures.
Hard copies of size 8 x 12 are included within the package.
2. What will be the approximate session duration?
Session duration usually varies between 40 minutes to a maximum of 2 hours
3. Will you give props?
Some I will give, some you might need to bring (Not a fan of heavy usage of props)
4. Are the shoots indoors or outdoors?
I shoot only outdoor, natural light portraits
5. Can we select the pictures for editing?
6. Will you cover events like birthday parties, wedding etc.?
No. I don't cover events.
7. Do you have a theme-based photo session?
No. But if clients bring props for the theme they like, I can do the session.
Prop options:
8. Will you do cake smash photo sessions?
I used to do. Now I am not doing.
If you have any other queries feel free to contact me at
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